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Page 3 of 28

Displaying Results 21 - 30 of 272

Frisco Liberty dominates against McKinney North

By PassThaBall 02/24/2024, 9:30pm PST

Brennan beats defendung State Champs in OT Thriller

By PassThaBall 02/24/2024, 8:15pm PST

La Vega is determined to get back to State

By PassThaBall 02/23/2024, 11:00pm PST

Notre Dame easily gets the win over Clemson

By PassThaBall 02/23/2024, 6:30am PST

The Mecca 2024: Stars of the Great White North Shined Brightest

By Bob Corwin 02/07/2024, 7:15pm PST

BC loses a close one to Syracuse

By PassThaBall 02/07/2024, 6:15am PST

HOOK'EM! Texas Dominates on Baylor's home court

By PassThaBall 02/02/2024, 11:45am PST

South Carolina Remains UNDEFEATED

By PassThaBall 01/22/2024, 11:00am PST

She Got Game Atlanta 2024: Stars shine in cloudy Atlanta

By Bob Corwin 01/10/2024, 10:00am PST

Page 3 of 28

Displaying Results 21 - 30 of 272